Privacy & Consent

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Welcome to the websites of The Genesis Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries (collectively “Genesis” or “we.”) THE GENESIS GROUP is committed to protecting your online privacy while providing you with a useful and enjoyable web experience. This Privacy Policy outlines Genesis’ policies and practices relating to its collection and use of Information (defined below) through the websites,,,, or any other websites owned or operated by THE GENESIS GROUP (collectively, “THE GENESIS GROUP sites”). This Privacy Policy does not apply to Information collected in any other way (whether offline or online) by Genesis, unless expressly indicated. The Information includes information that identifies you as an individual or relates to an identifiable individual.


Although we, or a designated service provider, may collect certain information from you as discussed below, please be reassured of the following:

  • We will not disclose Information you provide to us through the THE GENESIS GROUP sites unless you authorize us to do so, except where needed to deliver a service or product ordered by you, for legitimate commercial or business purposes, or under the other circumstances set forth in this Privacy Policy. Please be advised that we may share your Information with our parent, subsidiary, or affiliated companies (which may also contact you regarding recruitment opportunities), or with our clients and business partners, but we do not share your SMS consent with affiliates or anyone else.
  • We will always give you the opportunity to access and correct your Information at any time as required by applicable laws.
  • Unless you ask us not to, we may use your Information to contact you via email, text message, phone, or otherwise, regarding our services or changes to this Privacy Policy.

What Categories of Personal Information We Collect:

There are various areas on the THE GENESIS GROUP Sites where we either require or permit you to provide us your personal information. We collect the following categories of personal information (collectively, “Information”):

  • Contact Information: We may collect contact and other information about you, including your name, address, telephone number, email address, as well as contact information of your dependents, beneficiaries, or emergency contacts.
  • Employment and Demographic Information: We may collect licensure, certifications, education, demographic information, including age, racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, employment history, and identification numbers, such as your social security number, driver’s license number, state identification card, or passport number. In addition, employees and applicants may use our secure application portals to submit additional information related to employment opportunities with us, including necessary credentialing information and documentation, which may include drug screen results, background check information, employment eligibility information, and health and medical information.
  • Financial Information: We may collect certain financial information, including bank account numbers, from employees and other individuals, such as vendors and independent contractors, for payment purposes.
  • Location Information: We may collect the internet protocol address (IP address) from which you accessed the THE GENESIS Group sites.
  • Communications: If you have created a profile on any of the THE GENESIS Group sites, we may collect the contents of written communications between you and Genesis.
  • Advertising Information: We may use the Information you provide to determine your preferences and abilities, so we can improve your user experience.
  • Site Activity Information: We also collect personal information through the use of “cookies” and similar technologies to understand how you navigate through our websites, including to learn what content is popular, and to save your preferences.

Your Information will be stored indefinitely, so that THE GENESIS Group can comply with legal, regulatory, and accounting obligations.

Business Purposes for Collecting Information:

We may use the Information collected for purposes relating to our business operations, the services we provide, performing, monitoring or improving our services, managing our relationship with you, process payments, helping you access and use the THE GENESIS Group sites, and ensuring your satisfaction with the THE GENESIS Group sites. We may also use Information to develop and carry out marketing activities, to investigate potential fraud, to detect and investigate security incidents, and to investigate violations of this policy or any other agreement THE GENESIS GROUP has with you.

Commercial Purpose for Collecting Information:

We may use your Information to allow Genesis, its parent, subsidiary, or affiliated companies, and its clients or business partners to evaluate your credentials, skills, and experience in order to decide whether to extend a job offer. Genesis, its parent, subsidiary, or affiliated companies, and its clients or business partners may also use your Information to provide you with information regarding employment opportunities and career-related information, but we do not share your SMS consent with affiliates or anyone else. Further, we may use your information to complete a commercial transaction, such as providing or exchanging services, products, or goods with Genesis.

Persons and Entities with Whom Your Information May Be Shared:

We share your Information with the following categories of third parties:

  • THE GENESIS GROUP and Its Subsidiaries: We may share your Information with the THE GENESIS GROUP family of companies, including our parent, subsidiary, and affiliated or related companies as permitted by law.
  • Service Providers: We may share your Information with third-party service providers that perform functions on our behalf, such as hosting our web servers, providing marketing assistance and tools, payment processing, and customer service.
  • Clients and Business Partners: We may share your Information with our clients, customers, and vendors, including employment-related information, as permitted by law.
  • As Required or Permitted by Law: We may also share your Information in response to a subpoena or similar investigative demand, court order, or request for cooperation from law enforcement or other government agency, to establish or exercise our legal rights, to defend against legal claims, or as otherwise required or permitted by law.
  • As Otherwise Described by Genesis: We may also share your Information as described and disclosed to You in other communications from THE GENESIS Group or writings published by Genesis.
  • Business Transfers or Successor: We may disclose or transfer Information to a third party in the event of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our business or assets (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings).

How We Collect and Use Other Information Independently from Your Use of the THE GENESIS Group sites:

Aside from any information you may actively disclose to us, there is other, less obvious information, which we might obtain from you. We may use such information for internal purposes such as to improve the content of our websites and/or to customize the layout of our pages for each individual according to their preferences. In addition, we may track your account history regarding your participation on the THE GENESIS Group sites. Our system also automatically collects information about the areas visitors frequent on the THE GENESIS Group sites. We use this aggregate information to understand how our members, as a group, use the services we provide so that we can improve the THE GENESIS Group sites. Furthermore, we may share such aggregate statistical information with our partners, affiliates, or other outside companies. Individual consumer identities are not linked to, or have been removed from, aggregate information. Some examples of how we aggregate such information are as follows:

  • Cookies: As you probably know, “cookies” are small pieces of information that some websites store on your computer’s hard drive when you visit them. Like many other websites, we use cookies for various reasons. Cookies enable us to provide you with a better experience by allowing us to understand what areas of the website are of interest to our visitors. These cookies do not track individual information. We may also use cookies when you register for membership on our site. In this situation, a cookie will store useful information that enables our website to remember you when you return to visit us. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but allow you to modify security settings so you can approve or reject cookies on a case-by-case basis. If you choose to disable cookies in your browser, you can still access most of the THE GENESIS Group sites, though you may lose some of their conveniences.
  • IP Addresses: An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you begin service with an Internet Service Provider. We collect IP addresses for the purposes of system administration and to audit the use of our site. Each time you log onto our site and each time you request one of our pages, our server logs your IP address. Although we may log your session with us, we will not normally link your IP address to anything that can enable us to identify you unless you create an account for one of the secure web portals on one of the THE GENESIS Group sites. However, we may use IP addresses to identify a user when necessary to enforce compliance with our rules, Terms of Use, agreements between you and Genesis, or to protect our service, site, users or others.
  • Computer Information: We query your computer automatically for information about the computer, operating system, or browser you are using such as the speed of your Internet connection or error messages you may have received. We may do so in order to fit our services to your individual needs and to diagnose problems you may be having with our website. We may gather information about your geographical location by determining where your computer is located. We do this in order to provide either localized service or to provide faster service by sending your server localized content.
  • Security: Security is a top priority for us. We exercise great care in providing secure transmission of your Information from your Internet connection to our secure servers, as well as in handling the Information offline by limiting access to authorized personnel. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100 percent secure and we will not be held liable should a third party illegally obtain your Information. While we have made a great effort to protect your Information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Our policy does not extend to anything that is inherent in the operation of the Internet, and therefore beyond our control, and is not to be applied in any manner contrary to applicable law or governmental regulation.

Obtaining Your Consent:

By using our websites, you give THE GENESIS GROUP permission to collect information about you as an anonymous user for the purpose of calculating aggregate site statistics. If you register on one of the THE GENESIS Group sites, you authorize THE GENESIS GROUP to use information you provide to us to personalize your experience. If you register on one of the THE GENESIS Group sites, you also authorize THE GENESIS GROUP to use your anonymized demographic information when calculating aggregate customer data. As a registered member, you give THE GENESIS GROUP and its agents permission to send you e-mails related to the services we offer.


THE GENESIS GROUP does not knowingly offer or sell products or services for children. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from individuals under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, you must not use the THE GENESIS Group sites or provide us with your name, e-mail address, or any other identifying information. You, or a parent or guardian of a minor, may ask us to remove certain content or information by emailing us at

How to Access and Change Your User Information:

We encourage you to correct and update inaccurate information by updating it in your online profile. Alternatively, you may email Upon your request, we will provide you with any unique identifying or personal information that we maintain about you as required by law and will make any appropriate changes you provide.

Links to Third-Party Web Sites:

THE GENESIS GROUP may provide links to third-party websites. Since we do not control third-party sites and are not responsible for any information you may provide while on such sites you should read the privacy policies on those websites for information on how they handle your personal information.

Your Choices About Your Information:

Opting-Out: If at any time you object to our use of your personal information, including use of your email address for marketing or other similar purposes, you may stop that use by emailing your request to or unsubscribing using the link located at the bottom of our marketing emails. Please include “Unsubscribe” in the Subject line of your email.

California Residents’ Privacy Rights

If you are a California resident, the processing of certain personal data about you may be subject to the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and other applicable privacy laws.

If you are a California resident, you have the right, subject to certain exceptions and other laws, to request information regarding Genesis’ collection, use and disclosure of your personal information over the past twelve (12) months. You also have the right to request that we delete certain information. THE GENESIS GROUPmay deny your request to delete, in accordance with the CCPA, in order to comply with its other legal, regulatory, and accounting obligations.

To request what Information THE GENESIS GROUPhas collected or shared about you, or to request that THE GENESIS GROUPdelete your Information, please send an email with the subject line, “California Privacy Rights” to or call us toll free at 1 (866) 327-6976. In the body of your email or in your voice message, please state your first name, last name, mailing address, email address and telephone number. We will use this data to locate your profile within our system. If you are a California resident, THE GENESIS GROUP will respond in accordance with the CCPA and related regulations. If you are not a California resident, you do not have any rights under the CCPA and your request may be denied.

If an authorized agent of a consumer submits a request to know or request to delete, the agent must submit a writing to THE GENESIS GROUP that is signed and dated by the consumer. The consumer’s first name, last name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number must be included on the signed authorization. The signed authorization must expressly state that the agent is authorized to submit requests to know and requests to delete on the consumer’s behalf, receive the consumer’s personal information in response to a request to know, and to receive communications on the consumer’s behalf related to the requests.

You will not receive discriminatory treatment or retaliation if you or your authorized agent exercise your rights under the CCPA.

Under the CCPA, we are required to tell you if we “sell” or “share” Information. A “sale” means to share with a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration. “Share” means to share with a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising, whether or not for monetary or other valuable consideration. We do not “sell” or “share” your personal information.

Nevada Residents

We do not sell your personal information. Nevada residents may email questions or opt out of any future sale of their information by emailing us at Please include “Nevada Privacy Rights” in the Subject line of your email.

Contact Information for The Joint Commission’s Office of Quality Monitoring

You may contact The Joint Commission’s Office of Quality Monitoring to report any patient safety concerns or register complaints about THE GENESIS GROUP by calling 1-877-720-6711 or email

Contact Information

The Genesis Group, Inc.
Attention: Legal
5700 Tennyson Parkway, Suite 300
Plano, Texas 75024
Our Toll-Free number is 1 (877) 720-6711

Changes to This Policy

Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it.

Genesis’ Privacy Policy was last updated on July 9, 2024.